Determining an accurate valuation for a company is far from straightforward. It involves a range of complex, and often rapidly changing, factors. The challenge is...
Family businesses are quite common. Estimates suggest there are more than 5 million family businesses in the United States alone. While family businesses are...
One of the worst mistakes any business owner can make is neglecting their business during the sales process. It is quite common for sellers to become overwhelmed,...
Having a player mindset when selling a business can be a real gamechanger. The goal with this approach is to steer clear from coming across as desperate or highly...
Negotiation can evoke a range of feelings: some people thrive on it, others dread it, and many fall somewhere in between. Regardless of your stance, the ultimate...
Term sheets are invaluable in that they can serve as a point of orientation during negotiations. Thanks to term sheets it is possible to keep everyone involved,...