Many people assume they know what “fairness opinion” means because they are familiar with the term “fair market value.” Fair market value refers to a price...
It should come as no surprise that legal issues can quickly pop up during the buying and selling process. If you’re planning to sell your business, it’s...
When it comes to getting a loan, you can be certain that a bank will want collateral. This is true for both personal and business loans. Simply stated, if you have...
When in the process of buying a business, some buyers have accidentally overlooked important questions that need to be asked. However, you don’t want to find...
Whether you are thinking of buying or selling a business, it’s worth taking a look at the quarterly BizBuySell reports. The findings from these publications are...
Now that we’re entering the second quarter of 2022, it’s important to get your priorities in line and plan as strategically as possible. This is the time of the...
Once you get to the stage of your deal where you have a signed letter of intent, you may already be feeling a sense of relief that your deal is near finalization....
Almost every sale of a business involves a high degree of negotiation between buyers and sellers. In this article, we share some of the questions you can ask...
There are nearly endless reasons why one might want to buy an existing business, ranging from a known track record of success, an established customer base, and...