Home Health Care & Nurse Staffing Agency

Price: $680,000

Location: New Jersey

Industry: Health Care and Fitness

Listing ID: 1039

This business has been sold!

This company is are licensed, insured and accredited by the NJ Board of Nursing Healthcare Service Firm and JCAHO. They have been in business since 1995 providing home healthcare services and nurse staffing services.

Services offered are facility staffing, home and personal care service as well as home health training, approved by the NJ Board of Nursing.

The Company’s business is generated through its long-time presence in the marketplace and outstanding reputation within the communities it serves. They also have an active website and ongoing direct-mail marketing strategy.

Listing Details

Gross Revenue: $1,441,000

EBITDA: $225,000

Reason For Sale:


Training & Support:

Will provide


Year Established: 1995

Employees: 65


Monthly Rent: $3,540

Square Footage: 2600 SQ/FT